Information on this website has not been updated after IRG #50. Please refer to the documents on the IRG website. This website is kept as is for the archival purposes.
豕 152.6

unified to U+27C4F, irg48.


IRGN2179 Henry Review - Part 2.txt
03982 UTC-01166 UNIFY/IVD 豙, alternative transcription.

Raw Info
0 - Sequence Number03982
1 - Disscussion Recordunified to U+27C4F, irg48.
2 - UTC SourceUTC-01166
3 - UTC ImageUTCHan-Medium-128-UTC01166.png
4 - UK Source
5 - T Source
6 - T Image
7 - K Source
8 - K Image
9 - SAT Source
10 - SAT Image
11 - G Source
12 - G Image
13 - UTC CodeU+EC8D
14 - Kangxi Radical152
15 - Stroke Count6
16 - First Stroke4
17 - T/S (0/1) Flag0
18 - IDS⿱䇂豕
19 - Radical Stroke (RS)7
20 - RS+SC(stroke count)=P436+T436
21 - Total Stroke13
22 - 修正总笔画数
23 - Similar Ideographs
24 - UTC Evidence (Figure No.)Fig. 98
25 - UTC Evidence (Title)"Grammata Serica Recensa"
26 - UTC Evidence (Location)no. 516a
27 - UTC kTotalStrokes13
28 - UTC Ext. F2 Serial No.
29 - T References to evidence documents A
30 - T References to evidence documents B
31 - T File name of evidence image
32 - T kTotal Strokes
33 - K Ref. to Evidence doc
34 - K file name of evidence image
35 - K kTotalStrokes
36 - G Ref. to Evidence doc
37 - G Page No. in Evidence file(optional)
38 - G Row No. in Evidence file(optional)
39 - G Position in the Row (optional)
40 - G file name of evidence image
41 - G kTotalStrokes
42 - SAT Evidence
43 - SAT kTotalStrokes
44 - UK Ref. to Evidence doc
45 - UK file name of evidence image
46 - UK Font code point
47 - UK Font glyph
48 - UK Other source references
49 - UK Mapping to traditional or simplified character
50 - UK Total stroke count
51 - UK Note