From the entry for 脨 in the Kangxi Dictionary (copied from
【未集下】【肉字部】 【集韻】趨玉切,音促。本作𦠁。弗𦠁。炙筯。或从肉。 又秦昔切,音籍。瘦也。 集韻(1039)
It appears that the shape for 朿 affects the pronunication and the meaning, so ⿰月朿 and 脨 (⿰月束) should be considered non-cognate.
Further sources from Jiyun are required.
Oppose Unification
They are two separate head characters, with the first head character in the same series as 促戚趨趣誎 (from phonetic 束) and the second head character in the same series as 籍耤藉莋葃膌 and also 刺洓 (from phonetic 朿).
Despite there being a NUCV-343 [卻, 郤], historically ⿰木郤 and ⿰木卻 have been unified at U+3B9D, until Unicode 12.0 where the G glyph was corrected from ⿰木卻 to ⿰木郤.
It is suggested to change NUCV-343 to a UCV rule, as it appears such variation is not rare. The non-cognate rule can be invoked to separately code characters with 郤 and 卻 when actually required.
In WS2015 𰆰 (00511, USAT09010, semantic variant of 支) was added, while in WS2017 ⿰虫𰆰 (03847, USAT07003, semantic variant of 蚑) was added. Are there more examples of characters using 𰆰 instead of 支, and if it is systematic, is it better to unify them as a new UCV?
It's highly likely that 14-2725 would be unified with 9-763C. There is also 15-5721 which also has the same variant relationship with 2-5E4E. Inevitably TCA will need to register an IVD to support both person's name. TCA should preferably code the character which uses more common components.
Additional characters encoded in CNS11643 but unencoded in UCS:
⿱並弓 is encoded by CNS11643 as 11-6924
⿰氵⿱並弓 is encoded by CNS11643 as 11-6064
⿰口⿱並弓 is encoded by CNS11643 as 13-4935
⿰氵⿳亠业弓 is encoded by CNS11643 as 11-7032
I also suspect this is a typographical error for 啗. It's not uncommon for handwritten form of 臼 to be written in a form similar to 血; further corruption to 皿 is definitely plausible. I suggest UTC to withdraw this unless there is other evidence of such use.
To clarify the meeting minutes, in IRG #58, it was mentioned by Wang Yifan that U+9B06 鴆 and U+2B6B2 𫚲 are separately coded.
This was not discussed in IRG 58, but I believe the disunification of U+9B06 鴆 and U+2B6B2 𫚲 is not sufficient to prevent unification between GKJ-00351 and U+2EB2E, because U+2B6B2 𫚲 is in Extension C and it is a single source character with TD-6727, which has a pronunciation identical with U+9B06 鴆.
A point which I mentioned in the meeting:
For IVD registration purposes, it might be better to use U+8CAC as the base character instead of U+27D69, because U+27D69 is sufficiently rare and is also a transliterated form of 責.
The reading suggests the right hand side should have been 属 instead of ⿸尸禺. Could there be confirmation on the correct shape based on the romanization of the person's name?
As someone mentioned about evidence, here are some stone inscriptions where some 余 is written as ⿱人未 (due to time constraint they have not been circled):
IRG Working Set 2021v2.0
Source: Henry CHAN
Date: Generated on 2025-02-19
Unify to 𮭘 (U+2EB58) after normalization?
Unify to WS2017-03912 (KC-07866).
【未集下】【肉字部】 【集韻】趨玉切,音促。本作𦠁。弗𦠁。炙筯。或从肉。 又秦昔切,音籍。瘦也。 集韻(1039)
It appears that the shape for 朿 affects the pronunication and the meaning, so ⿰月朿 and 脨 (⿰月束) should be considered non-cognate.
Further sources from Jiyun are required.
They are two separate head characters, with the first head character in the same series as 促戚趨趣誎 (from phonetic 束) and the second head character in the same series as 籍耤藉莋葃膌 and also 刺洓 (from phonetic 朿).
Unify to 腳; change NUCV-343 to UCV-343.
Despite there being a NUCV-343 [卻, 郤], historically ⿰木郤 and ⿰木卻 have been unified at U+3B9D, until Unicode 12.0 where the G glyph was corrected from ⿰木卻 to ⿰木郤.
It is suggested to change NUCV-343 to a UCV rule, as it appears such variation is not rare. The non-cognate rule can be invoked to separately code characters with 郤 and 卻 when actually required.
We can add a new UCV "bottom part of 雋 to be extended at bottom" and "bottom part of 雋 on bottom right"
To be unified to 珽 (U+73FD) after applying new UCV rule 廷 and 𢌜 in IRG 57.
Unifiable to 技 (U+6280)?
In WS2015 𰆰 (00511, USAT09010, semantic variant of 支) was added, while in WS2017 ⿰虫𰆰 (03847, USAT07003, semantic variant of 蚑) was added. Are there more examples of characters using 𰆰 instead of 支, and if it is systematic, is it better to unify them as a new UCV?
Unify to 膠 (U+81A0); add new UCV ⿱羽尒 and 翏.
Unifiable with 餮 (U+992E)?
This looks like a strict transcripted form; it may be better to add a UCV 歹/歺.
Unify to 缾 (U+7F3E); add new UCV 𰏤 = 并
It's highly likely that 14-2725 would be unified with 9-763C. There is also 15-5721 which also has the same variant relationship with 2-5E4E. Inevitably TCA will need to register an IVD to support both person's name. TCA should preferably code the character which uses more common components.
Additional characters encoded in CNS11643 but unencoded in UCS:
⿱並弓 is encoded by CNS11643 as 11-6924
⿰氵⿱並弓 is encoded by CNS11643 as 11-6064
⿰口⿱並弓 is encoded by CNS11643 as 13-4935
⿰氵⿳亠业弓 is encoded by CNS11643 as 11-7032
Per Ng Hou Man's comment, 䰪 (U+4C2A) is printed in the Kangxi Dictionary as follows:
Another version gives this, where the dots are slightly more clearly separated:
Note this is filed under 10 strokes, so the character definitely has 脊 on the left.
The pronunciation of T9-7B7C in the CNS11643 website is also mèi, which matches the pronunciation of 䰪 (U+4C2A).
Possibly Unifiable to 殛 (U+6B9B)
Unify to 鄹 (U+9139).
Excerpt from Hanyu Dazidian shows that 鄹 (U+9139) can also be read as jù when used as a place name:
There is also a similar case in the UCV, with a single stroke difference:
Unify to 𥊑 (U+25291); consider new UCV 𭦟 = 曼.
Which one is correct?
It should be determined if it should be ⿱竹⿰魚詹, or ⿰魚簷.
Glyph Design & Normalization
夘 and 卯 are unifiable per WS2021-04910:
The glyph ⿰魚卯 is attested in 《重訂直音篇》 as a variant of 鰡 with pronunication 留, which is also consistent with the provided evidence:
Entry for TE-7465 in CNS11643 website:
Based on the replacement character for the place names, it seems the pronunciation of the place name should be similar to 畬(畲).
But I couldn't find the scan nor other characters.
For IVD registration purposes, it might be better to use U+8CAC as the base character instead of U+27D69, because U+27D69 is sufficiently rare and is also a transliterated form of 責.
So it may be better to keep ⿺鬼天 and ⿺鬼夭 separate.
Data for Unihan