How often do these transliterations of Shuowen Guwen into Sungti typeface happen in SAT's repertoire? SAT-04264 was added in WS2021.
If there is still a certain amount of characters pending, we should potentially make a rule to make them all unifiable so SAT can directly register them as variants via an IVD collection.
Potential unification to 𱔱 (U+31531). Suggest it to be coded via IVS.
Are there any intermediate forms of 翅 and SAT-06399 found, where the middle two strokes protrude on the left? We should consider IVD to 翅 directly if there are such examples.
The reading provided by TCA is xiǔ, because 《廣碑別字》 lists it as a variant of 朽 (U+673D).
However, this character is sourced from 內政部戶政用字 based on the info from the CNS11643 website. As a person's name character, it is more likely to be a variant of 「行」 with the 「彳」 component swapped out to 「木」 for the custom of 五行.
Based on the provided readings, U+20E83 appears to be taking phonetic 振 while TD-3B4D appears to be using phonetic 唇. If this is the case, they are non-cognate and shouldn't be unified.
繭 (糸 left, 虫 right) appears to be used in 7 other characters, such as 𣀺 𥀹 𢺃 𨇿 𣠷 𧅆 𥜲, and 𧁧 (虫 left, 糸 right) is only encoded as a standalone character.
It might be suitable to make this a UCV rule for the whole character, so derived variants can be coded in an IVD collection, which would make searching easier.
I prefer switching the source and glyph of U+2BAD5 to UTC-03216 (⿰口梃) instead of the current one, because 廷 is the predominant form in Hong Kong, and 𢌜 is practically no longer used.
IRG Working Set 2021v4.0
Source: Henry CHAN
Date: Generated on 2024-10-08
Unify to 𰊮 (U+302AE).
In IRG 59, WS2021-01186 has been unified to 𱜍 (U+3170D).
Should be unified to 𤠏 U+2480F and encoded via an IVD collection if the shape is necessary to be encoded.
藂 U+85C2 is also a variant form of 叢, according to the source cited by Huang Junliang.
Unify to 噸 U+5678 with 頓~⿰击頁.
The pronunciation for TD-795D in CNS 11643 is also consistent with 頓:
Potentially unifiable to 量 U+91CF.
How often do these transliterations of Shuowen Guwen into Sungti typeface happen in SAT's repertoire? SAT-04264 was added in WS2021.
If there is still a certain amount of characters pending, we should potentially make a rule to make them all unifiable so SAT can directly register them as variants via an IVD collection.
Potential unification to 𱔱 (U+31531). Suggest it to be coded via IVS.
IVS to 虺 (U+867A) or 𧉇 (U+27247)?
Consider also 00249 (SAT-04406) ⿺兄貴 = 尵 (U+5C35) / 𫵒 (U+2BD52).
IVS to 尵 (U+5C35) or 𫵒 (U+2BD52)?
Consider also 03517 (SAT-04405) ⿺兄虫 = 虺 (U+867A) or 𧉇 (U+27247).
Unify to 齌 (U+9F4C)?
Add new UCV:
Why was this not unified to 敝 (U+655D)?
They are variants without doubt. Suggest to add a new UCV of 𰏘 (Extension G) and 㡀.
Are there any intermediate forms of 翅 and SAT-06399 found, where the middle two strokes protrude on the left? We should consider IVD to 翅 directly if there are such examples.
Unify to 磧 (U+78E7)?
This is a strictly transliterated form of 磧. Suggest to add new UCV rule of 責 and ⿱束貝.
Wrapping structures themselves (e.g. 咸、夙) can sometimes take in the bottom component, but in this case 巩 is not a wrapping structure.
If it is not common for 巩 to take in the bottom component in the middle, this should not be unified.
Possible unification to 䰫 (U+4C2B)
Consider unification to 觝 U+89DD.
Another variation of 氐.
Existing UCV #453:
Unify to 舤 (U+8224)?
Pronunication is given as fán which suggests the right hand side 凢 is a variant of 凡.
The following variants are currently coded:
U+51E2 凢 = 凡
U+51E3 凣 = 凡
U+3836 㠶 = 帆
U+225BE 𢖾 = 忛
U+233C6 𣏆 = 杋
U+25425 𥐥 = 矾
U+250F6 𥃶 = 𥃵
U+2AD6C 𪵬 = 汎
U+2D0AB 𭂫 = 凡
U+51E2 凢 and U+51E3 凣 are considered Source Code Separation with each other.
There is one example in Ext A, one in Ext C and one in Ext F. The rest are Ext B. We should consider expanding UCV for 凢 and 凣 to also cover 𭂫 and 凡.
Consider changing IDS to ⿰木𡿺 and source reference to TD-3C7A, also add new UCV 𡿺~⿱巛囱.
Suggest to Unify to 硼 (U+787C); and add a new UCV rule of 朋 ~ ⿰月习.
Based on the handwritten form, it seems very likely that ⿰月习 is an abbreviated form of 朋.
Another example of 朋 written as ⿰月习:
Sometimes it is completely joined as 用:
However, this character is sourced from 內政部戶政用字 based on the info from the CNS11643 website. As a person's name character, it is more likely to be a variant of 「行」 with the 「彳」 component swapped out to 「木」 for the custom of 五行.
Based on the provided readings, U+20E83 appears to be taking phonetic 振 while TD-3B4D appears to be using phonetic 唇. If this is the case, they are non-cognate and shouldn't be unified.
Unify to 𪷂 (U+2ADC2).
The pronunciation of U+2ADC2 𪷂 is also mu4, so it is also a variant of 慕 without a doubt.
Suggest to update UCV #32a to Level 1 as well.
Based on a quick lookup of IDS, there are 38 characters with 眉 component while there are 10 characters encoded with 睂.
It might be suitable to make this a UCV rule for the whole character, so derived variants can be coded in an IVD collection, which would make searching easier.
Unify to 𫫕 (U+2BAD5).
I prefer switching the source and glyph of U+2BAD5 to UTC-03216 (⿰口梃) instead of the current one, because 廷 is the predominant form in Hong Kong, and 𢌜 is practically no longer used.
Otherwise, if the evidence for the simplified character is accepted, keep both.
Glyph Design & Normalization