The character is equivalent to 箭 or 𥳭 without a doubt. We should avoid encoding multiple permutations of transliteration of the 箭 to varying strictness.
According to the evidence it is a variant form of 肝 (U+809D) without a doubt. I'm not sure how common it is for the component form 月 to be swapped to the full form 肉, if there are other examples in SAT's repertoire I suggest unification.
首 is the more common form of head than 𩠐. Based on precedent of the unification of 責 with 𧵩, 眉 and 睂 in IRG 60, the relationship between 首 and 𩠐 is identical, so a new UCV should be created.
While definitely a variant of 舁, ⿳𦥑一八 is extremely productive as a component, so it would be valuable to be coded as a separate character, thereby simplifying a ton of IDSes.
According to the evidence this seems like a miswritten form of 𠜓 (U+20713). Some books give "guwen" in the structure ⿰犭⿱火刀. If SAT has other sources that use ⿰犭⿱火刀, I would encourage encoding that, instead of this one.
Based on the text it seems this is a variant of 撿. It is common for the 扌 and 牜 components to be mixed up, and it is probably not worth disunifying them into separate characters as it does not help in indexing or searching. I am unsure if IRG may prefer to add this to the UCV as level 2.
The G source and T source of 𧓞 (U+274DE) should be updated to use the form U+3404 㐄. The source of U+274DE is the Kangxi Dictionary for both the G source and T source, which cites《字彙補》, but the glyph doesn't make sense because the phonetic is 𩰫 and ⿰鬲丰 is not the correct composition.
Potential unification to 萈 (U+8408) or 莧 (U+83A7) based on comment #7764 (which seems to be marked as Data for Unihan instead of Unification in error).
Based on the pronunciation supplied by TCA and the map evidence from Andrew West, it is suspected that TE-7729 is in fact a corrupted form of U+27068 𧁨. As it is not expected that 奐 is not a common variant of 魚, I suggest that it be unified as an ad-hoc unification.
While 娄 has radical 119.0 (米) in the code charts, it is under radical 38.0 (女) in Hanyu Dazidian, CNS11643 as well as the Moji Joho database, same as the radical of its traditional counterpart, 婁.
娄 also has a codepoint of U+5A04 which sits squarely in the block of characters with 女 radicals in the URO, so I believe the change to make it under radical 119.0 (米) is an error.
The code charts should be corrected and this character should use 女 as the radical.
How common is the transposition of ⿱⿰弓X弓鬲 to ⿱X⿰弓鬲弓 in SAT's sources? As ⿱⿰弓X弓鬲 is the common arrangement, if there are a fair amount of characters written as ⿱X⿰弓鬲弓, we should either disunify all of them or unify all of them.
Also, if SAT has some versions which use ⿱耳⿰弓鬲弓 instead, please consider encoding that variant instead of ⿱耳⿰弓畐弓.
Suggest TCA to change the source ref to TD-3A50, and update the glyph to ⿱叛心, so the character using more common components is encoded as the base character.
I am wary of encoding more characters which are corrupted forms of characters from other languages if the character is only used for transliteration. They are also hard to unify -- the initial shape and the suggested new glyph look completely different and are not systematic either. We should probably discuss the encoding model and see if these should be encoded as standardized variants of the corresponding Siddham characters instead of being re-encoded as CJK characters.
Per the submission rules for WS2021, IRG has requested that similar looking characters without being confirmed variants should also be included in the "Similar" field.
IRG Working Set 2021v5.0
Source: Henry CHAN
Date: Generated on 2024-12-02
Unify to 𣝼 U+2377C as per comment #9519.
Add new UCV ⿳自㓁𠔽 ~ ⿱鳥𠔿 ~ ⿱鳥囚.
Unify to 取 with new UCV 取 ~ ⿰耳𡿨.
Unify to 僺 (U+50FA)
Add a new UCV rule for 喿 ~ ⿱品尒 ~ ⿱品𠇍, level 2.
This variation is systematic and common in old texts. See excerpts from the MOE Variants Dictionary:
Unify to 箭 or 𥳭.
The character is equivalent to 箭 or 𥳭 without a doubt. We should avoid encoding multiple permutations of transliteration of the 箭 to varying strictness.
Suggest to unify to 𡒅 (U+21485).
Suggest new UCV 嗇 ~ 𭍠 ~ ⿱土回 ~ ⿱夾回 ~ ⿱來回, and additionally 廧 ~ ⿸厂⿱土回 for this case.
Unify to 𦎼 (U+263BC) / 𦎯 (U+263AF).
The supplementary evidence from Eiso also indicates they are variants of 𦎼 (U+263BC) / 𦎯 (U+263AF). UCV #312d may apply?
The second evidence looks more closely like 䇂 (U+41C2). Potential unification with 䇂 (U+41C2).
Potential unification with 肝 (U+809D).
According to the evidence it is a variant form of 肝 (U+809D) without a doubt. I'm not sure how common it is for the component form 月 to be swapped to the full form 肉, if there are other examples in SAT's repertoire I suggest unification.
Potentially unifiable to 𡬹 (U+21B39).
首 is the more common form of head than 𩠐. Based on precedent of the unification of 責 with 𧵩, 眉 and 睂 in IRG 60, the relationship between 首 and 𩠐 is identical, so a new UCV should be created.
Potentially unifiable to 𣠐 (U+23810).
Consider unification to 徹 (U+5FB9).
Potentially unifiable to 𠜓 (U+20713).
According to the evidence this seems like a miswritten form of 𠜓 (U+20713). Some books give "guwen" in the structure ⿰犭⿱火刀. If SAT has other sources that use ⿰犭⿱火刀, I would encourage encoding that, instead of this one.
Potentially unifiable to 牝 (U+725D).
It's extremely common for 牛 and 爿 to be mixed up in 俗字. Suggest that we unify them but not sure if this should be in UCV level 2.
Unifiable to 𪏻 (U+2A3FB)?
Add new UCV for left side components.
Potentially unifiable to 撿.
Based on the text it seems this is a variant of 撿. It is common for the 扌 and 牜 components to be mixed up, and it is probably not worth disunifying them into separate characters as it does not help in indexing or searching. I am unsure if IRG may prefer to add this to the UCV as level 2.
Unify to 𨃥 (U+280E5); with new UCV 𱣎 and 桀
Unify to 𦄲 (U+26132).
The component difference is in the third level. Suggest to do an ad-hoc unification, or add a new UCV rule for the whole right hand side component.
Unify to 𧓞 (U+274DE).
The G source and T source of 𧓞 (U+274DE) should be updated to use the form U+3404 㐄. The source of U+274DE is the Kangxi Dictionary for both the G source and T source, which cites《字彙補》, but the glyph doesn't make sense because the phonetic is 𩰫 and ⿰鬲丰 is not the correct composition.
Character in Shuowen as follows:
Unify to 搩 (U+6429); with new UCV 𱣎 and 桀.
See also 03902:
Potential unification to 𮝲 (U+2E772) with the additional note that the top part is different.
Both 𮝲 (U+2E772) and the two different variants of SAT-08372 are variants of 轡.
亾 should be unifiable to 亡 (See UCV #350 and #351).
Unify to 曄 with new UCV rule 華 and 蕐 and ⿱艹⿻𠈌𰀁.
Potentially unifiable with 犗 (U+7297).
Another case of 牛 and 爿 mixed.
Unifiable to 窳 (U+7AB3)?
Unify to 𭣭 U+2D8ED / 敓 U+6553?
Based on various sources, it appears the canonical form should be using 攴(攵) instead of 支:
Potential unification to 萈 (U+8408) or 莧 (U+83A7) based on comment #7764 (which seems to be marked as Data for Unihan instead of Unification in error).
UCV #454a:
Potentially unifiable to 緊 (U+7DCA).
A similar variant of 緊 can be found in the MOE dictionary (it is different in two places)
賢 has similar variant ⿱卧貝:
Unify to 𪼘 (U+2AF18).
Suggest to add new UCV for 萱 and ⿱艹𭁴.
Suggest to replace T source reference of U+2AF18 𪼘 to TE-253E as TE-253E uses more common components.
Unify to 𧁨 (U+27068).
Based on the pronunciation supplied by TCA and the map evidence from Andrew West, it is suspected that TE-7729 is in fact a corrupted form of U+27068 𧁨. As it is not expected that 奐 is not a common variant of 魚, I suggest that it be unified as an ad-hoc unification.
Possible unification to 𣓗 (U+234D7).
If this transliteration is common, we should add it to the UCV and encode it in an IVD collection.
Based on #8842, suggest unification to 𧫧 (U+27AE7) or withdrawing.
Consider unification to 斅 U+6585; with new UCV 𭓇 ~ 學
Unify to 巤 (U+5DE4) or U+22002 𢀂.
Add new UCV of 巤, VN-F0BE9, and all of the following:
Potentially unifiable to 𡏡 U+213E1.
See also:
Potentially unifiable to 滝 (U+6EDD).
See also:
Potentially unifiable to 𪽞 (U+2AF5E).
Is this form of 竜 common?
Change Radical to 32.0 (土), SC=5, FS=3.
莽 is counted as 11 sometimes in Kangxi Dictionary and sometimes as 12.
Main difference is the bottom component is sometimes written as 廾 and sometimes written as ⿰𠂇十 in Kangxi Dictionary.
Etymologically speaking the bottom component is also a grass radical so should be counted as 4 strokes therefore 莽 = 12.
While 娄 has radical 119.0 (米) in the code charts, it is under radical 38.0 (女) in Hanyu Dazidian, CNS11643 as well as the Moji Joho database, same as the radical of its traditional counterpart, 婁.
娄 also has a codepoint of U+5A04 which sits squarely in the block of characters with 女 radicals in the URO, so I believe the change to make it under radical 119.0 (米) is an error.
The code charts should be corrected and this character should use 女 as the radical.
See also: 00095, 00094, 00092.
If so, SC=13, FS=5.
The second evidence looks like a mis-print, possibly from a mis-interpretation of a glyph with 干 throwing to the left.
Based on comment #2493, suggest to be pending unless there are other evidences of this character.
There are two pieces of evidence, but only one evidence name.
The follow up sources also indicate it is a miswritten form of 峨. Suggest to withdraw.
Also, if SAT has some versions which use ⿱耳⿰弓鬲弓 instead, please consider encoding that variant instead of ⿱耳⿰弓畐弓.
⿰董阝 appears to be a more common structure.
Change R=163.0 (邑), SC=13, FS=2, IDS=⿰董阝 if source reference is changed.
Suggest to postpone pending confirmation of canonical shape.
Glyph Design & Normalization
Also update IDS to match.
Potentially related to 滜 U+6EDC.
{{ U+6EDC }}
Data for Unihan
𡍭 (U+2136D)
U+234D7 𣓗