As #15445/#15452 mentioned, ⿰虫肴 and ⿰虫⿱又有 are surely the variants, both of them are stablly used in dictionaries, that means both of them are valuable in historical usage process. So we don't need to unify the 正字 to the variant form while the variant one has been encoded in the previous, and should encode them separatly.
According to the additional evidences, this character should be viewed as a stable variant shape of 𤠼. There is no doubt for it to be encoded.
Although character analysis is required in coding work, overall, our task is not to provide textual research for linguists and only code for correct character shapes, but to provide code points for social character usage needs. If some glyphs have independent usage cases in the text or have value in distinguishing glyphs, they should be able to be encoded. Discussing these types of characters without reaching a consensus would waste a lot of meeting time in the past and future.
There is still only one piece of evidence with no actual usage to prove the variant has been used in practice. A single and indirect evidence in the dictionary cannot prove that the character's form is reasonable.
According to the pronunciation (Reading: yán), the right component should be 研, why dose the owner of this name or TCA insist to use an irregular form for encoding.
The new evidences does not prove that this glyph is a standalone character with independent pronunciation and interpretation, rather than a disassembled stroke. So what is the necessity to encode it again?
IRG Working Set 2021v6.0
Source: TAO Yang
Date: Generated on 2024-10-10
Although character analysis is required in coding work, overall, our task is not to provide textual research for linguists and only code for correct character shapes, but to provide code points for social character usage needs. If some glyphs have independent usage cases in the text or have value in distinguishing glyphs, they should be able to be encoded. Discussing these types of characters without reaching a consensus would waste a lot of meeting time in the past and future.
Change Radical to 196.0 (鳥), SC=18, FS=2
汉书补注 P4130
Details on this page.
說文解字 清嘉慶九年(1804)陽湖孫星衍平津館校刻宋小字本
說文解字注箋 民國三年(1914)京師補刻清光緒二十年(甲午1894)番禹徐氏桂林刻本
正字通 清康熙九年(1670)序弘文書院木刻本
正字通 清康熙間芥子園刻本
通雅 清康熙五年(1666)姚文燮浮山此藏軒刻本
御定佩文韻府 清乾隆間寫摛藻堂四庫全書薈要本
古經解彙函二十三種·说文解字 清同治十二年(1873)粵東書局刻本
粵雅堂叢書·續黔書 清道光光緒間(1821-1908)南海伍氏刻本
養素堂文集 清道光十五年(1835)束華書屋刻本
平津館叢書·說文解字 清光緒十一年(1885)吳縣朱氏槐廬家塾刻本
景定建康志 52巻 [宋]周應合撰 四庫全書本 卷四十六
蘇魏公集 73巻 [宋]蘇頌撰 四庫全書本 卷六
元韻譜 / [明]喬中和撰 / 61卷 / 續修四庫全書/清康熙梅墅石渠閣刻本/卷五十三/頁碼:1182
字林經策萃華 / [清]墨莊氏撰 / 10卷 / 四庫未收全書/清道光二十六年藝林山房刻本卷二/頁碼:85
清平山堂話本 / [明]洪楩輯 / 24卷 / 續修四庫全書/明嘉靖刻本三恠記/頁碼:60
緑蘿山莊詩文全集 61巻 [清]胡浚撰 清乾隆刻本
續垂棘編初集/二集/三集/ 53巻 [清]范鄗鼎輯 清康熙三十四年刻本
唐類函 204巻 [明]俞安期輯 明萬曆三十一年刻四十十六年重修本
乾隆高平縣志 28巻 [清]傅德宜修戴純纂 清乾隆三十九年刻本
雍正澤州府志 57巻 [清]朱樟修[清]田嘉穀纂 清雍正十三年刻本
Glyph Design & Normalization
The leftfalling stroke should come out.
The middle part of it should be 毋.
What's the standard form of 淫 in Chu Nom?