kCantonese should not be based on Taishan and Kaiping dialects; 35 in these dialects is not 陰上, but a diminutive tone change (which would correspond to standard Cantonese tone 2 or tone 1, depending on the base tone of the syllable).
The Yue evidence from 《汉语方言大词典》 is also likely a typo, as it seems to take this word from 《珠江三角洲方言調查報告之二:珠江三角洲方言詞彙對照》 A Survey of Dialects in the Pearl River Delta Vol. 2: Comparative Lexicon (新世紀出版社 New Century Publishing House, 1988), which writes it as 鑊脷 on page 145.
We see the same (simplified as 镬脷) in 《开平方言》 (邓钧, 湖南电子音像出版社, 2000), p. 179.
We also see 脷 in Stephen Li's online Taishanese dictionary (https://www.taishandict.com/).
《中国语言资源保护工程汉语方言用字规范》 is largely derived from the dictionaries in the 《現代漢語方言大詞典》 series, including 《金華方言詞典》 cited in #14949. The glyph form in 《中国语言资源保护工程汉语方言用字规范》 is less reliable since it is digitization of previous work. Thus, I also suggest changing from 撇 to 點 for the last stroke.
IRG Working Set 2021v6.0
Source: LEUNG Justin Richard
Date: Generated on 2024-10-05
〈吳川方言〉, by 李全佳, in《文風學報》, issue 2/3 (1948), p. 56
Data for Unihan
The Yue evidence from 《汉语方言大词典》 is also likely a typo, as it seems to take this word from 《珠江三角洲方言調查報告之二:珠江三角洲方言詞彙對照》 A Survey of Dialects in the Pearl River Delta Vol. 2: Comparative Lexicon (新世紀出版社 New Century Publishing House, 1988), which writes it as 鑊脷 on page 145.
We see the same (simplified as 镬脷) in 《开平方言》 (邓钧, 湖南电子音像出版社, 2000), p. 179.
We also see 脷 in Stephen Li's online Taishanese dictionary (https://www.taishandict.com/).
廣州方言詞典 (白宛如, 江蘇教育出版社, 2003 reprint), p. 79
实用广州话分类词典 (麦耘, 谭步云, 世界图书出版公司, 2016), p. 53
Glyph Design & Normalization