group | UK |
a) Source reference | UK-20962 |
b) PUA Code of TTF | EAB8 |
c) KangXi Radical Code (Primary) | 173.0 |
d) Stroke Count (Primary) | 14 |
e) First Stroke (Primary) | 2 |
f) Secondary KX Radical Code | N/A |
f) a. Secondary Stroke Count | N/A |
f) b. Secondary First Stroke | N/A |
g) Total Stroke Count | 22 |
i) IDS | ⿱霝冉 |
j) Similar/ Variants | N/A |
k1) References to evidence documents | 《福建通志》(清乾隆二年刊本)卷67 folio 44 ; 《全閩詩話》(清乾隆二年刊本)卷5 folio 1 ; 《全閩詩話》(四庫全書)卷5 folio 2 |
k2) Images Filenames | UK-20962-001.jpg, UK-20961-001.jpg, UK-20962-002.jpg |
l) Other Information | N/A |
m1) Previous IRG WS | N/A |
m2) Sequence No. | N/A |
Review Comments
▲ 嘉靖福寧州志[1] pp. 990 gives 𩆚. All evidences are quoted from 閩書. However 閩書 does not specify where the text comes from.
But 𩆚 is pronounced as 零, quite different from 諭. I guess in that case 諭 is a misprint of 論.
[1]: 閔文振, 陳應賔. 嘉靖福寧州志 [G]//天一閣藏明代方志選刊續編: 第41册.
上海: 上海書店出版社, 1990: 1/626.