0 - Seq. No. | 04882 |
1 - Discussion Record | |
2 - Kangxi Radical | 195.1 |
3 - Stroke Count | 7 |
4 - First Stroke | 1 |
5 - T/S (0/1) Flag | 1 |
6 - IDS | ⿰鱼⿱戈兀 |
7 - Total Strokes | 15 |
8 - G Source | GXM-00265 |
9 - G Image | GXM-00265.bmp |
10 - G Similar Ideographs | U+09C59 |
11 - G Ref. to Evidence doc | 公安部治安管理局 |
12 - G Page No. in the document (optional) | |
13 - G Row No. in the Page (optional) | |
14 - G Position in the Row (optional) | |
15 - G file name of evidence image | GXM-00265.jpg |
16 - G Optional Information | (Reading: miao2) |
17 - K Source | |
18 - K Image | |
19 - K Similar/ Variants
| |
20 - K Ref. to Evidence document | |
21 - i1)
Page No. in the evidence document (optional) | |
22 - i2)
Row No.
in the page
(optional) | |
23 - i3)
Position No.
in the row
(optional) | |
24 - K file name of evidence image | |
25 - K Revised information (2018.03.16) | |
26 - K Real Glyph | |
27 - UK Source | |
28 - UK Image | |
29 - UK Similar/ Variants | |
30 - UK Ref. to Evidence doc | |
31 - UK Title and Year | |
32 - UK Page No. | |
33 - UK PNG Image | |
34 - UK Font code point | |
35 - UK Mapping to traditional or simplified character | |
36 - UK SJT-11239-2001 | |
37 - UK Notes | |
38 - SAT Source | |
39 - SAT Image | |
40 - SAT Similar Ideographs | |
41 - SAT References to evidence documents | |
42 - SAT optional information | |
43 - T Source | |
44 - T Image | |
45 - T Similar/ Varianonets | |
46 - T References to evidence documents A | |
47 - T References to evidence documents B | |
48 - T File name of evidence image | |
49 - T Real Glyph | |
50 - UTC Source | |
51 - UTC Image | |
52 - UTC Similar Ideographs | |
53 - UTC References to evidence documents | |
54 - UTC SJ/T 11239-2001 | |
55 - V Source | |
56 - V Image | |
57 - V Related | |
58 - V Reading | |
59 - V Evidence | |
60 - V Evidence File | |
61 - V Code Point | |
62 - V Note | |
63 - WS2015 SN | |
64 - | |
Review Comments
And the normalized glyph (⿰鱼尧) is included in the Chinese dictionary as the simplified form of 鱙, so the normalized one is acceptable.
▲ 《汉字海》, p. 2002
▲ 汕头市水产局: 《汕头水产志》, 1991.10, p. 1
This is the local name of some kinds of 鳀 (Engraulis ja ponicus) in Shantou, Guangdong.
▲ 福建省水产学会《福建渔业史》编委会: 《福建渔业史》, 福州: 福建科学技术出版社, 1988.10, ISBN 7-5335-0166-7/S·26, p. 56
▲ 饶平县地方志编纂委员会: 《饶平县志》, 广州: 广东人民出版社, 1994.12, ISBN 7-218-01745-2/K·372, pp. 401-402
▲ 张楚南: 《海丝古港柘林》, 广州: 暨南大学出版社, 2017.12, ISBN 978-7-5668-2258-1, p. 84
▲ 饶平政府发布微信公众号: 《37项!饶平县公布第二批县级非物质文化遗产代表性项目名录》{{https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/al2uakKQT-RKM5oCzuPGEg}}, 2022-01-31