UK-20504 |
Date | Description |
IRG #58 2022-03-16 (Wed) 10:58 am +0800 Recorded by CHEN Zhuang | Keep postponed |
IRG #57 2021-09-17 (Fri) 10:51 am +0800 Recorded by CHEN Zhuang | Postponed for further investigation |
Version | Description |
2.0 | For 00270, change Status to Postponed |
2.0 | For 00270, add Discussion Record "Postponed for further investigation, IRG 57." |
3.0 | For 00270, add Discussion Record "No change, IRG 58." |
Source Reference | Glyph |
UK-20504 | 1.0 |
group | UK |
a) Source reference | UK-20504 |
b) PUA Code of TTF | F1A4 |
c) KangXi Radical Code (Primary) | 14.0 |
d) Stroke Count (Primary) | 3 |
e) First Stroke (Primary) | 3 |
f) Secondary KX Radical Code | N/A |
f) a. Secondary Stroke Count | N/A |
f) b. Secondary First Stroke | N/A |
g) Total Stroke Count | 5 |
i) IDS | ⿸⿻冖丿又 |
j) Similar/ Variants | N/A |
k1) References to evidence documents | Goodrich, Chauncey: “A Pocket Dictionary (Chinese-English) and Pekingese Syllabary” (Hong Kong University Press, 1965) p. 111 |
k2) Images Filenames | UK-20504-001.jpg |
l) Other Information | N/A |
m1) Previous IRG WS | N/A |
m2) Sequence No. | N/A |
Review Comments
Normalized form from cursive script.