Date | Description |
IRG #59 2022-10-18 (Tue) 9:48 am +0800 Recorded by CHEN Zhuang | Unified to WS2021-03178 |
IRG #59 2022-10-19 (Wed) 9:43 am +0800 Recorded by CHEN Zhuang | Unify WS2021-03178 (keep 03175) |
Version | Description |
4.0 | For 03175, add Discussion Record "Unifies 03178, IRG 59." |
Source Reference | Glyph |
KC-05601 | 1.0 |
group | ROK |
a) Source reference | KC-05601 |
b) PUA Code of TTF | EEA6 |
c) KangXi Radical Code(Primary) | R124.0 |
d) Stroke Count (Primary) | 9 |
e) First Stroke(Primary) | 2 |
g) Total stroke count | 15 |
i) IDS (Ideographic Description Sequence) | ⿰羽迥 |
j) Similar/ Variants | N |
k) Ref. to Evidence doc | 南冥學硏究院 老栢軒先生文集 卷44 |
m1) Previous IRG WS | N/A |
m2) Sequence No of Previous IRG WS | N/A |
Review Comments
The evidence on 03175 shows the person named (權)&⿰羽迥;, and his 表字 is 迥羽; the previous name is (權)&⿰庚羽; (WS2021-03174:KC-05596), and his previous 表字 is 庚羽. Maybe 庚羽 is related to “倉庚于飛,熠燿其羽” (《詩經·豳風·東山》); maybe 迥羽 is related to “朝元閣迥羽衣新” (李商隱《華清宫》).
The evidence on 03178 shows the same person. 逈 is the variant of 迥, and the shapes are very similar. These two forms are often interchanged for the same meaning.
▲ 李商隱:《李商隱詩集》,琴川書屋仿宋刻本,卷上 (shows 逈)
▲ 洪邁:《萬首唐人絶句》,四庫全書本,卷四十 (shows 迥)
KR suggests not to unify.
(a decision on 2022-10-18)
SN 3175 unified to SN 3178, keep SN 3178
(a new decision)
SN 3178 unified to SN 3175, keep SN 3175