This character is also needed for the Cantonese pop songs. The following picture shows the lyric of the song named 《一生一心》 sang by 胡鴻鈞 (Hubert Wu). This is the theme song of one TVB drama 《天梯》 (The Last Steep Ascent) in 2012, which is adapted from a true story happened in Chongqing. However, QQ music made the character wrong (as 学) because it has not been encoded. Please see the traditional Chinese form of the lyric.
The corresponding simplified Chinese version of Hubert Wu’s album had not been published, so it is not easy to know how to handle this character in the lyric book. It is better to ask QQ music to support this character based on the future version of GB 18030 after encoding it.
IRG Working Set 2021v7.0
Source: Eiso CHAN
Date: Generated on 2025-02-17
follow 䪯 U+4AAF
▲ Program schedule of Cantonese Yueju Oprea named 《山乡恩仇记》
The current name is 《山乡风云》, and the corresponding novel is named as 《山乡风云录》. page
▲ 王缵叔, 徐怀东: 《食经·食单·食疗方》, 西安: 西北大学出版社, 1999.1, ISBN 7-5604-1339-0/G·181, p. 231
▲ 丘鶴儔: 《琴學新編 第二集》, 香港: 正昌隆號, 1923.1, p. 20
This name is named after current 小嶝岛 in 福建省厦门市翔安区.
▲ 罗源县民间文学集成编委会: 《中国民间歌谣集成福建卷 罗源县分卷》, 福州: 罗源县民间文学集成编委会, 1989.11, p. 272
▲ 胡棟榮: 《粤曲知識漫談·粤曲唱腔藝術的總概况——唱腔運用總則》, 澳門: 澳門嶺南音樂曲藝會 & 澳門: 澳門嶺南文化戲曲出版社, 2004.5, ISBN 99937-639-2-0, p44
▲ 路应昆: 《戏曲音乐入门》 (《iCourse·教材 国家视频公开课配套教材》), 北京: 高等教育出版社, 2018.9, ISBN 978-7-04-048778-7, p. 99
▲ 李砚: 《菏泽地方戏曲音乐地理研究》, 北京: 文化艺术出版社, 2016.5, ISBN 978-7-5039-6107-6, p. 82
The corresponding simplified Chinese version of Hubert Wu’s album had not been published, so it is not easy to know how to handle this character in the lyric book. It is better to ask QQ music to support this character based on the future version of GB 18030 after encoding it.
▲ 徐州市史志办公室, 江苏师范大学汉文化研究院; 赵明奇: 《点校本徐州古方志丛书 第六册》, 北京: 文化艺术出版社, ISBN 978-7-5039-7615-5, 2024.7, p. 3014
▲ 薛龙春; 王伟: 《王铎摭谈》 (张颖: 《文艺研究小丛书(第三辑)》), 北京: 文化艺术出版社, 2024.1, ISBN 978-7-5039-7536-3, p. 49
It is better to keep this one and remove GCW-00030 in WS2024.
Data for Unihan
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