173.0 雨
SC=22, FS=3 TS=30

Kept in Main Set, pending further discussion of the encoding model for Taoist characters, IRG 57.

Review Comments

WS2021 v1.0
[ Resolved ]
It seems that the evidence does not satisfy IRG PnP 2.1.1.c, so it should be rejected.
IRG PnP 2.1.1.c says: characters must be used in script as characters in text. Logos and images used separately from running text are not acceptable.
Xieyang WANG
2021-05-22 15:48:29 UTC
WS2021 v5.0
[ Unresolved ]
Should be postponed according to experts' opinion in IRGN2579.
Xieyang WANG
2023-10-17 14:40:46 UTC
WS2021 v6.0
[ Resolved ]
No reason to postpone as the evidence is clear, and the character is required for digitization of the source text.
Andrew WEST
2024-02-20 18:24:01 UTC
WS2021 v6.0
[ Unresolved ]
开摄化(開攝化)is a combination of 開 and 攝化. 攝化 is a religious word used by the Buddhism and Taoism. 攝化 means using the light of Buddha's compassion to inspire and save suffering beings. 開(Start)攝化 then means the start of 攝化. 雨+鬼(the evidence on this page)/雨/鬼/口 can be added to 開攝化.
If IRG is going to encode them one by one, then please prepare to be criticized for it and overwhlemed by this kind of characters.There are countless words used in Taoism and many of them can combine with 雨+鬼/雨/鬼/口/尚……
I have stated the problems very clearly in my proposal IRGN2518 and experts gave their opinions about Daoist characters in IRGN2579. But none of the proposals change IRG's decision, which was very frustrating. In the last IRGmeeting, I was stopped by other experts saying there is no problem in encoding most of Taoist characters submitted in IRG WS2021, which was also disappointing.
I was planning to write another proposal about the characters but finnaly decided not after more upsetting things happened. I realized that I don't have the time, knowledge and the patience to change the situation. So this will be my last comment on Daoist characters in IRG.
Xieyang WANG
2024-03-13 15:35:28 UTC
WS2021 v7.0
[ New ]
Used obviously in a Kai Form talisman. The talisman is used seperately with running texts around it.

In the same column, the following drawing is listed with the talisman.

If ⿱雨⿺鬼開 can be encoded, then logically, of course the ⿴〇⿲⿱⿳承功脱化光⿱⿳萬類孤魂 can also be encoded. Every component in ⿴〇⿲⿱⿳承功脱化光⿱⿳萬類孤魂 are regular components for Han ideographs.

Furthermore, to create new Daoist talismans, every ideograph, every word and every sentence in Chinese can be used as base ideographs. By adding different components to these ideographs, countless new signs and new talismans can be created.
Daoist talismans are used to fullfill prople's ideas. Because prople's ideas are varied, the users also need the talismans to be created as they want.
In this case, encoding every element that seems to be an ideograph in talisman will be ridiculous and unhelpful to the users. We have encoded 開攝化 and 开摄化, and that's enough.We don't have to encode every sign created based on this word. When 雨+鬼 is added to 開攝化, 開攝化 becomes signs(i.e. ⿱雨⿺鬼開, ⿱雨⿺鬼攝, ⿱雨⿺鬼化) can be only used in talismantic drawings.
Xieyang WANG
2024-09-13 03:18:17 UTC

Meeting Minutes

IRG #57
2021-09-17 (Fri)
11:07 am +0800
Recorded by Henry CHAN
Kept in Main Set, pending further discussion of the encoding model for Taoist characters (automatically processed by IRG ORT Manager)

Attribute Changes

For 04376, add Discussion Record "Kept in Main Set, pending further discussion of the encoding model for Taoist characters, IRG 57."

Glyph Changes

Source ReferenceGlyph

Raw Info
a) Source referenceUK-20756
b) PUA Code of TTFE148
c) KangXi Radical Code (Primary)173.0
d) Stroke Count (Primary)22
e) First Stroke (Primary)3
f) Secondary KX Radical CodeN/A
f) a. Secondary Stroke CountN/A
f) b. Secondary First StrokeN/A
g) Total Stroke Count30
i) IDS⿱雨⿺鬼開
j) Similar/ Variants N/A
k1) References to evidence documents《廣成儀制・鐵鏆施食集》(清宣統二年刊本) folio 29
k2) Images FilenamesUK-20756-001.jpg
l) Other InformationN/A
m1) Previous IRG WSN/A
m2) Sequence No.N/A