GDM-00249 |
Date | Description |
IRG #58 2022-03-18 (Fri) 10:08 am +0800 Recorded by CHEN Zhuang | Postponed for further investigation |
IRG #57 2021-09-16 (Thu) 10:24 am +0800 Recorded by CHEN Zhuang | Postponed for further investigation |
Version | Description |
2.0 | For 01119, add Discussion Record "Postponed for further investigation, IRG 57." |
2.0 | For 01119, change Status to Postponed |
3.0 | For 01119, change Status to Postponed |
3.0 | For 01119, add Discussion Record "Postponed for further investigation, IRG 58." |
Source Reference | Glyph |
GDM-00249 | 1.0 |
group | China (GDM - Place Name Characters) |
a) Source reference | GDM-00249 |
b) PUA Code of TTF | E277 |
c) KangXi Radical Code(Primary) | 46.0 |
d) Stroke Count(Primary) | 6 |
e) First Stroke(Primary) | 1 |
g) Total Stroke Count | 9 |
i) IDS (Ideographic Description Sequence) | ⿰山邦 |
j) Similar/ Variants | N/A |
k) Ref. to Evidence doc | 汉字海 八辅 |
Review Comments
So, ⿰山邦, seemingly a normalized form of ⿰山⿰龵阝, is not accurate.
▲ 黄道周:《新刻洪武元韻勘正切字海篇群玉》,明崇禎刻本,卷之二
Yi Bai's comment #2181 is right.