TC-482E |
Date | Description |
IRG #60 2023-03-22 (Wed) 11:15 am +0800 Recorded by CHEN Zhuang | unified to 弇 U+5F07, add new ucv as whole characters level 2. |
Version | Description |
5.0 | For 01276, change Status to Unified |
5.0 | For 01276, add Discussion Record "Unified to 弇 U+5F07, possible new UCV rule of 弇 and ⿱合开, IRG 60." |
Source Reference | Glyph |
TC-482E | 1.0 |
group | TCA |
a) Source reference | TC-482E |
b) PUA Code of TTF | E0A5 |
c) KangXi Radical Code | 55.0 |
e) Stroke Count | 7 |
f) First Stroke | 3 |
g) Total stroke count | 10 |
i) IDS | ⿱合开 |
j) Similar/ Variants | U+5F07 |
k) Ref. to Evidence doc | IRGN2486_TCA_WS2021_evi_03 |
k1) Page No. | Page15, no.1354 |
l) Optional info | yǎn |
Review Comments
All ideographic evidence submitted by TCA is NOT TAKEN from the CNS 11643 standard, but is specially produced from the database of the Household Service Department. It is a proof of actual need/use. It is an official document with an official seal.
What Ken's understanding of TCA evidence is incorrect. Or are you talking about "actual use" in some other meaning that TCA does not understand?
Same reading yǎn and difference of one stroke from 弇 (U+5F07).