TE-7A52 |
Date | Description |
IRG #62 2024-03-21 (Thu) 9:50 am +0800 Recorded by CHEN Zhuang | additional evidence accepted. |
IRG #57 2021-09-16 (Thu) 8:51 am +0800 Recorded by CHEN Zhuang | Not unified to 闒 U+95D2 |
Version | Description |
2.0 | For 04241, add Discussion Record "Not unified to 闒 U+95D2, IRG 57." |
7.0 | For 04241, add Discussion Record "Evidence accepted, IRG 62." |
Source Reference | Glyph |
TE-7A52 | 1.0 |
group | TCA |
a) Source reference | TE-7A52 |
b) PUA Code of TTF | E32A |
c) KangXi Radical Code | 169.0 |
e) Stroke Count | 12 |
f) First Stroke | 2 |
g) Total stroke count | 20 |
i) IDS | ⿵門晶 |
j) Similar/ Variants | No |
k) Ref. to Evidence doc | IRGN2486_TCA_WS2021_evi_02 |
k1) Page No. | Page8, no.507 |
l) Optional info | jīn |
Review Comments
Unify to 闒 U+95D2? We need the pronunciation to make sure whether it is a wrong character of 闒 U+95D2.
▲ 上清衆經諸真聖秘(明正統道藏本)卷2 folio 13