Date | Description |
IRG #61 2023-10-18 (Wed) 12:06 pm -0400 Recorded by CHEN Zhuang | evidence accepted. |
Version | Description |
6.0 | For 02334, add Discussion Record "Evidence accepted, IRG 61." |
Source Reference | Glyph |
GKJ-00592 | 1.0 |
group | China (GKJ - Science and Technology Characters) |
a) Source reference | GKJ-00592 |
b) PUA Code of TTF | E17B |
c) KangXi Radical Code(Primary) | 94.0 |
d) Stroke Count(Primary) | 4 |
e) First Stroke(Primary) | 4 |
g) Total Stroke Count | 7 |
i) IDS (Ideographic Description Sequence) | ⿰犭方 |
j) Similar/ Variants | N/A |
k) Ref. to Evidence doc | 韻補 袁文榮公文集八卷詩集八卷 |
Review Comments
Evidence 2 is suspect. What is the character supposed to mean here? A character with a 'dog' radical makes no obvious sense in this context, and I suspect that it is an error for some other character.
Therefore suggest to postpone pending additional evidence.
▲ 顧藹吉:《隸辨》,玉淵堂,卷第五
▲ 朱駿聲:《説文通訓定聲補遺》,道光刻本,豐部
▲ 洪适:《隸釋》,四部叢刊本,卷第十七
This character is used as the variant form of 彷彿.
▲ 過庭訓:《本朝分省人物考》,明天啟刻本,卷之三十八
▲ 何喬遠:《名山藏》,明崇禎刻本,卷之一百七