Date | Description |
IRG #60 2023-03-23 (Thu) 9:19 am +0800 Recorded by Henry CHAN | Withdrawn (automatically processed by ORT manager) |
Version | Description |
5.0 | For 04739, change Status to Withdrawn |
5.0 | For 04739, add Discussion Record "Withdrawn, IRG 60." |
Source Reference | Glyph |
GKJ-00309 | 1.0 |
group | China (GKJ - Science and Technology Characters) |
a) Source reference | GKJ-00309 |
b) PUA Code of TTF | E060 |
c) KangXi Radical Code(Primary) | 196.0 |
d) Stroke Count(Primary) | 9 |
e) First Stroke(Primary) | 5 |
g) Total Stroke Count | 20 |
i) IDS (Ideographic Description Sequence) | ⿱陟鳥 |
j) Similar/ Variants | N/A |
k) Ref. to Evidence doc | 伊斯兰教在中国 說略 |
Review Comments
Both evidences are misprint of 騭.
The first evidence 馬牡曰~ indicates ⿱陟鳥 is a name of horse. The text is from 《爾雅·釋畜》which gives 騭.
The second evidence mentions 桑原 隲蔵(くわばら じつぞう). 隲 is semantic variant of 騭.
The name was written as 桑原𨽥藏 by 岩波書店 in 1935.
The name was written as 桑原隲藏 by 商務印書館.
The name was also written as 桑原隲藏 by 岩波書店 in 1968.
The name was also written as 桑原𨽥藏 by 臺灣商務印書館 in 1971.
The name was written as 桑原骘藏 by 中華書局 in 2007.
The name was also written as 桑原隲藏 by 中華書局 in 2009.
The name was written as 桑原骘藏 by 科学出版社 in 2019.
All the books are not related to the submitted character, so it is not better to encode it.
Otherwise, if the evidence for the simplified character is accepted, keep both.
Among those books, 支那の孝道 and 東西交通史論叢 contain photocopy of his manuscript, clearly showing the 隲 variant in his handwriting.
On the contrary, Chinese translations appears to more eagerly employ 𨽥.
《張騫西征考》 consistently uses it:
and 《唐宋貿易港研究》 uses it partially in the colophon and a couple of chapter headings, while 隲 in elsewhere:
Aside from that, the government gazette records his name around 30 times, but except for his obituary, which also uses variant of 桑, no evidence that other variants than 隲 were used during his lifetime.
We did not find any evidence 桑原隲藏 has been written with the 鳥 component.