![]() SAT-06015 |
Date | Description |
IRG #62 2024-03-18 (Mon) 10:45 am +0800 Recorded by CHEN Zhuang | pending |
IRG #62 2024-03-20 (Wed) 9:06 am +0800 Recorded by CHEN Zhuang | pending. |
IRG #62 2024-03-20 (Wed) 9:44 am +0800 Recorded by CHEN Zhuang | back to m set. |
IRG #61 2023-10-16 (Mon) 12:25 pm -0400 Recorded by CHEN Zhuang | no change. |
Version | Description |
5.0 | For 03165, add Discussion Record "Evidence accepted, 2023-04." |
6.0 | For 03165, add Discussion Record "No change, IRG 61." |
7.0 | For 03165, add Discussion Record "Not unified to 𦎼 U+263BC, Not unified to 𦎯 U+263AF, IRG 62." |
Source Reference | Glyph |
SAT-06015 | ![]() |
group | SAT |
a) Source reference | SAT-06015 |
b) PUA Code of TTF | F16A |
c) KangXi Radical Code(Primary) | 123.0 |
d) Stroke Count(Primary) | 11 |
e) First Stroke(Primary) | 1 |
g) Total Stroke Sount | 17 |
i) IDS (Ideographic Description Sequence) | ⿱殸羊 |
j) Similar/ Variants | Similar: 𦎼/𦎯/ |
k) Ref. to Evidence doc | SAT-06015-01.jpg;SAT-06015-02.jpg |
l) Optional info | N/A |
m1)Previous IRG WS | N/A |
m2)Sequence No of Previous IRG WS | N/A |
Review Comments
▲ 章黼: 《直音篇》, 燕京藏萬曆戊寅本, 卷第六
▲ 邢准: 《新修絫音引證群籍玉篇》, 金刻本, 卷第二十三
Unify to 𦎼 (U+263BC) / 𦎯 (U+263AF).
The supplementary evidence from Eiso also indicates they are variants of 𦎼 (U+263BC) / 𦎯 (U+263AF). UCV #312d may apply?
Agree unify to 𦎯 (U+263AF).
Fanqie information of 搆 shows 鈎豆反, 見 initial 侯 final 去 tone, M.C. *kəu.
Four phonetic symbol {*KOK (𡉉)}, {*KO (冓)}, {*KO (后)} and {*KO (丩)} cover this status. In phonetic symbol {*KOK (𡉉) > 㱿} there are 𤚲㝅𢐙.
For phonetic symbol 殸, there are only {*KLEŊ (殸)} which does not cover this status.
So, in M.C. 見侯去 status, |殸| actual shape belongs to [㱿] class.
As UCV #312d cover this case, should let this rule work.
Disagree, should not unify. The current UCV 312d should be changed by removing the middle variant containing 殸 because it is not consistent with established UCS precedent to unify ⿱殸 and ⿱𣪊 as the examples below illustrate:
U+78EC 磬 ids ⿱殸石 vs U+2553C 𥔼 ids ⿱𣪊石
U+6480 撀 ids ⿱殸手 vs U+30515 𰔕 ids ⿱𣪊手
U+417D 䅽 ids ⿱殸禾 vs U+2585B 𥡛 ids ⿱𣪊禾
U+2A879 𪡹 ids ⿱殸口 vs U+23AA5 𣪥 ids ⿱𣪊口
U+2A371 𪍱 ids ⿱殸麥 vs U+2A360 𪍠 ids ⿱𣪊麥$(GT)
U+288A4 𨢤 ids ⿱殸酉 vs U+2888B 𨢋 ids ⿱𣪊酉
U+27421 𧐡 ids ⿱殸虫 vs U+879C 螜 ids ⿱𣪊虫
U+246D7 𤛗 ids ⿱殸牛 vs U+246BC 𤚼 ids ⿱𣪊牛
撀 (GKX) ~ 㝅, 𢐙 (GKX) ~ 彀, 𣫘 (GKX) ~ 㲉, 𧹷 (GKX) ~ 𧹲, 𨢤 (GKX) ~ 𨢋
㯏 (GHZR) ~ 穀, 䅽² (GHZR) ~ 穀, 䡰³ (GHZR) ~ 轂, 𤛗 (GHZR) ~ 𤚲, 𩏜 (GHZR) ~ 轂, 𪍱 (GHZR) ~ 𪍠
𥊧 (B02905-001) ~ 瞉 (B02905)
𮭑 (B06142-016) ~ 鷇 (B06142)
𰒘 (GHZR) ~ 愨 <ORT>, “Since 殸 and 𣪊 often plays a phonetic part in characters, encoding the corrupted forms could lead to confusion. It is recommended that such corruption in vulgar characters should be unifiable via IVS.”
Besides difference in relative length of 丿/丶 stroke, |殸| have another 丨 stroke.
𦎼 (U+263BC) / 𦎯 (U+263AF).
> The two comments together list 22 disunification examples, comment #14276 8 examples and #14290 14 examples. Also that GHZR42524.09 was withdrawn. Withdrawing a character can be because the submitter does not agree to unification. The quote that says unifiable was not made by the submitter. The case for removing 殸 is very strong.
Examples are from Extension B, which are not considered valid prior examples of disunification by IRG.
> The inclusion of ⿱殸⬚ in UCV 312d seems unreasonable as it is not an example of "differences in relative length of strokes" (j-2). UCV 312d should only cover ⿱𣪊⬚ and ⿹𣪊⬚, and ⿱殸⬚ should be removed from the rule.
UCV #312d should be moved away from the section J-2 and moved into section j-3 Unification of similar shapes.
The fact that 𣪊 is often miswritten as 殸 is not disupted. Sufficient evidence also exists for this particular charcter. For China's case they may prefer to withdraw a form which is malformed, but SAT does not assign "it is an error or not" determination to a character. To suggest to encode a character via IVS implies the characters are unifiable.
Suggest to unify and encode as IVS, and keep the UCV rule as-is.
In the SAT Text Database we have recorded 7 characters where 殸-𣪊 merger involved, of which 5 are already encoded.
- 𤛗 (U+246D7) = 𤚼 U+246BC
- SAT-02788 𭯅 (U+2DBC5) = 𣫪 U+23AEA
- SAT-04036 𮭑 U+2EB51 = 鷇 U+9DC7
- SAT-06015 ⿱殸羊 = 𦎯 U+263AF
- SAT-08291 ⿱殸豕 = 𣫔 U+23AD4 (actually not 豰 U+8C70)
- SAT-90152 𮡞 (U+2E85E) = 轂 U+8F42
- SAT-06427 𰔕 (U+30515) = 撀 U+6480